Who we are

The Forestry Dialogue Group is a non-governmental organization of forestry specialists, animated by the desire to contribute to the revitalization of the forestry sector in Romania. FDG was formed by the common will of a number of founding members who decided to unite their expertise and personal experience to initiate, develop and moderate a real dialogue between the actors of this sector.

The association operates on the basis of its own statute. Apart from the activity within the association, FDG members may be part of various other national or international projects related to the forestry field.

FDG members may have personal political affiliations without these having implications for the views and actions of the group. GDF has and will always keep a professional and apolitical character.


Facilitating a
constructive and continuous dialogue
between all stakeholders in the sector forester
Elaboration of
viable strategic alternatives
usable for Romania's forestry policy
The design of
modern tools and practices
that support the progress of the forestry sector


Adrian BĂBAN

Graduate of the Faculty of Forestry and Forestry in Brașov, advisor to the General Director of the RNP. He worked as a private investor and manager in the field of primary wood processing. He was the President of the Board of Directors of RNP - Romsilva. He is an expert in forestry issues in several national projects on forest strategy and policy.

Daniel Paul DIMA

Graduate of the Faculty of Forestry in Brașov, with a master's degree from the University of Helsinki, with over 20 years of practical experience accumulated in various capacities: manager of associations of private forest owners, manager of logging and wood processing, companies, consultant in international projects focused on forestry, wood processing and the pulp and paper industry, distributor of ecological harvesting equipment for difficult terrain. He currently acts as a senior management consultant.


Graduated from the Faculty of Forestry in Suceava with a master's degree in environmental policy from the "Albert-Ludwigs" University in Freiburg and a doctorate in forestry economics from the "Ștefan cel Mare" University in Suceava. He is a lecturer at the Faculty of Forestry Suceava, where he coordinated research projects in the field of forestry policy and environmental economics. It has a consulting activity both at the international level through collaboration with different organizations, and at the national level especially in the field of forest management certification.


Graduate of the Faculty of Forestry and Forestry in Brașov, expert in forestry administration with professional experience in the private and state sectors. He held the positions of head of forestry district, Vicepresident and Director of public policies of AAP, General Manager of RNP, adviser to the Secretary of State on forest issues and was active in the Board of Directors of the RNP. He is a member of the National Hunting Board. He participated in numerous thematic working groups expressing the vision of a modern, efficient forestry administration, adapted to the European context.

Bogdan POPA

Graduate of the Faculty of Forestry in Brașov and of the Romanian-Canadian MBA program of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Sciences. He is a professor at the Transilvania University in Brașov and a consultant for the World Bank, both in Romania and in many other countries in Europe, Asia and South America. His scientific activity focuses on the economic, institutional and social aspects of forest management.


Graduate of the Faculty of Forestry in Brașov, engineer with practical experience in forestry, information systems, forestry administration and the elaboration of strategies. Manager with over 20 years of experience in project management and IT management, business consulting and software development. Leader of several projects in various fields and industries. Currently acting as senior management consultant.